Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I just returned from my second trip to Albuquerque this year. This time, Carrie went with me, as we looked at housing and make some important connections and reconnections with friends, some of whom may become part of the core group for the new church.
Please pray for us in the following matters:
1) Fundraising: That I will be diligent in presenting my vision and excitement for this new work with as many people as possible. People tend to give to a passionate vision, and not just on a nice brochure...what I mean by that is I need to make time to see folks face-to-face (and phone time for those contacts who are far away) in order to successfully raise funds.
2) Housing: Please pray that our home in Houma will sell soon...we would love to have a contract on it by the end of April. And pray that we will find the right house in Albuquerque as well: we have an offer on a beautiful home in the North part of the city, right in the epicenter of where we want our church to be planted.
3) Family life: That our kids will finish school strong. That our boys will enjoy their birthday parties and take time to say goodbye to their friends in South Louisiana (Noah just turned nine, Caleb will turn seven in May). That Carrie and I, in the midst of our busyness, will continue to work on our marriage. That our boys will see this move as a great adventure.
Thank you for praying for us!

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